Wednesday, July 8, 2009

black leather journal v.1

i love the brown skin of the mother downstairs. it shimmers with gold in the sun. her hair is ebony black. she looks Mexican, but i cannot really tell. she seems to always be doing laundry. her son wanders on his bike and looks at me in wonder as i walk by.

Tips, the cat, wanders along the drive, looking for bumble bees with broken wings no doubt. the woman next door is always doing laundry as well. she is heavy set, sturdy. i see her husband ride on his motorbike.

a boy, their son perhaps, does maintenance around the apartments. he has dreaded hair and looks as though he knows how to get some hash.

Tasha's kids are beautiful. her daughter is all smiles when i come around. the sturdy wife next door stares at my bare breasts from the ground.

i can see the mainland crystal clear today from my balcony. the coast and mountainous silhouettes. the sun bakes again. i hosed the salt water from my clothes yesterday. the sun dries them in hours.

(4/12/07 Greece)

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